- Food for 2030-2050 - Sustainable solutions [SLIDE 1] How will we feed growing populations in the years to come? Continuing best practices of the Green Revolution is advisable. The technologies and impact of the Green Revolution was not only helpful in developing countries but also in developed nations who saw increased production of crops per hectare significantly. This means higher crop yields in the same region for greater efficiency. More food can be produced if less meat and biofuels are consumed. These are lifestyle choices, however, and require active participation by individual citizens to be achieved at a level that has an impact. Sound science using practical tools is required to find long-term solutions for food production. [SLIDE 2] Self-sufficiency in food is essential to establishing a sustainable society. Sustainable agriculture methods are being explored. Some such as community-supported agriculture farms or CSAs provide fresh food locally with a lower carbon footprint. Farmers share risks of crop yields with people who buy shares at the farm and thus get ongoing fresh food supplies during the growing seasons.