In this lesson, we will learn about a fast and easy way to rapidly expand your vocabulary in Spanish -- cognates. Cognates are words that look and sound similar in both English and Spanish and share the same meaning. We will then cover a bunch of commonly used adjective cognates.


arrogante - arrogant egoĆ­sta - egoistic or selfish elegante - elegant emocional - emotional evidente - evident excelente - excellent final - final horrible - horrible importante - important idealista - idealistic interesante - interesting internacional - international nacional - national natural - natural optimista - optimistic original - original persistente - persistent pesimista - pessimistic popular - popular profesional - professional realista - realistic sentimental - sentimental terrible - terrible tradicional - traditional transparente - transparent tropical - tropical dependiente - dependent inestable - unstable inflexible - inflexible improbable - improbable impersonal - impersonal posible - possible paciente - patient formal - formal intolerante - intolerant impopular - unpopular enorme - enormous [SLIDE 1] Cognates are words that have a similar meaning, spelling and pronunciation in two different languages. English and Spanish share many cognates. These words come from the same origin, often Latin. Take a look at the following list of Spanish words. You can probably guess what each of them mean. "Arrogante" means arrogant. "Restaurante" means restaurant. "Practicar" means "to practice". Cogantes are important because they are very easy to learn. You can learn hundreds of Spanish words in a short time by studying lists of cognates. Keep in mind, though, that not all words that are spelled similarly have the same meaning! [SLIDE 2] Take a look at the following Spanish words. If you say that someone is "embarazada," you do NOT mean they are "embarrassed." You are saying they are pregnant! "Carpeta" does not mean carpet -- it means folder. "Recordar" is not to record -- it means to remember. Words that look similar but have a different meaning are known as false cognates. Always double-check a word's meaning before assuming it is a cognate to avoid some potentially embarrasing or even harmful mistakes!